Monday, April 7, 2008

The latest activities

So Bartel is really enjoying being on the A's. He's still a bit leary of the pitching machine and who wouldn't be? He took a ball to the face during a trip to the batting cages in a freak accident when the ball came off his bat and left him with a bloody nose....He must be my son. Last week Bart was able to make it to a game and was kinda keeping watch from first base when Bartel had a disagreement with the runner on third about which team was winning. Our friend Brent was behind the boys when he heard Bartel tell the the "enemy" after a moment of score disagreement, "Don't make me get my dad, he's standing right over there." What the?...... What happened to my sweet peacemaker?!!! Brent thought it was pretty funny, Bartel was totally serious.
WE went on a river rafting trip to the upper Salt River this past week...That was quite the experience I"ll tell ya'. Besides the freezing cold water, tight and oh so fashionable wet suit, near death experience, sleeping in a tent, and don't forget the "groover"-the potty bucket, it was actually quite enjoyable! Really we had a great time and we went with a great group, Alysan And her inlaws. What a fun bunch they were, they talked about anything and everything, we laughed so much! So great food and great company. Though I'm not packing my bags to go next week or anything, I am glad we did it and I can cross that off my "bucket list". Now this groover I mentioned....You may be wondering "so why do they call it the groover?" Does it make you want to dance? Do you dance to the groover? Apparently, before the bucket with a toilet seat (which is a step up) they used to have to potty in this metal rectangle box with a lid. And when you finished going potty, it left "grooves" in your bum...Hence the name...."Groover". So we had to find a place to go #1 somewhere behind an ample bush, large rock, or anywhere you wouldn't be seen by the occasionaly passer byer. And you could only go #2 in the groover. "leave nothing behind" were the rules of the river.... Now, anyone who knows me knows that I would have a problem with all of the above. I can't go pee-pee in my own bathroom unless the water is running, I hate public bathrooms and try no to use them if I can help it, if someone walks into a public bathroom when I am in there I get automatic stage fright, and all progress is halted. Too much info? Sorry, I just want you all to know what a trooper I am. Did I use the "groover" ? Did I say to heck with the rules and just dig a hole? Did I even go? I'll let you figure that one out. I was very happy to get back home to my own bed and potty.
We did have one really scary moment on our trip where we were flipped out of our boat while trying to pick up another passenger form the other boat. Everyone was thrown out into the rapids and I was stuck under our boat and just when I though I was going to be able to get to the surface, I was sucked under the other big boat. I seriously did not know if I was going to live or not. It was pretty scary and I thought, "this is so me, I would be the one to die under a boat!" How unromantic! But I have to give credit to my mother in law who told me when I got home that she had a bad feeling when she found out we were going, and she continued with this feeling while we were gone and prayed for us the whole time!! I think she might of saved my life. Thanks mom.... I'm so glad I'm not dead. That would suck.
Just waiting for that dang ball to roll into his glove.....
Best-lookin' kid on the team...
Yes, that is a protein bar between my..... I store lots of stuff there, if you need it, I probably have it .

Erin and Alysan-(the waxer) she too stores stuff in her....... Erin and Randi, the wannabe "river rats"


Chelsey Howard said...

Randi Randi, whatever will we do with you. Well I'm glad you arean't dead I would miss you. Your blogs always make me laugh. I love it, it really brightens my day to hear your stories! And you really are a trooper! I HATE the wilderness! I love going on a trip in the morning and coming home that very night to my own be and bathroom. Anything over night is just not a vacation to me.

The Van Fam said...

Geez that is crazy. Michael just told me about your near death experience! Scary! By the way, I sent you an invite to my blog awhile back but I think I have the wrong email? What is your emaail?

Jake & Rachel said...

I'm so jealous! I love river rafting! But I'm sorry you almost died...that sounds like it was a scary experience. By the way, I love that site picky palate, I was coming to your page every day to get to her page to see what other yummy things she cooked up, so I finally just added it to my page too! Not that I don't love coming to your page just to see what you're up to... :)

Lisa Harris said...

Your right, that would suck. Glad your okay. That stuff FREAKS me out. It's bad enough being in dirty water I can't imagine being stuck in it for so long.
Love the protein bar..

Anonymous said...

Randi you are such a nut that is why i love you! I hope i would get your kids if you did die. Matt and i would love your kids, i actually already talked to bart the other day about it. Ps ask mom about deann near death experience its pretty amazing. Just kidding but not really i really want your kids. love ya jenna

Rachelle Urness said...

I love your blog I need to improve mine a little. I need to do our top cuter. I am just new though! Love ya we need to get together soon!

Torrie and the girls said...

Its good to see that you didn't die. I think the world would be a sadder place. Seeing those pictures brought back fun memories of our summer with you guys. Plus I would love some sun and water now since our winter has been extra long. As for the "extra storage" that's actually a really good place for stuff as long as you clear it out before you take a shower.....

Coleen said...

Glad you are home safe and sound.