So I have been a little down lately, and about a week or two ago, I e-mailed this poem to my sister in law to use for a talk. Well I found it in my desk drawer and read it again and it made me smile so I thought I'd share it with you. I wrote this for a relief society lesson a couple years ago the lesson was about loving who you are....I'm still working on that...
Beauty Queen
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
Why aren’t I fairest of all?
I could be a beauty queen,
Make all heads turn when I enter the scene.
But what to do? And where to start?
I feel so young….and I’m falling apart!
My skin’s a mess, first oily, then dry.
I want to be young! But wrinkles don’t lie!
And look at my hair, how my roots have grown out!
What if I see a friend when I’m out and about?
And see these clothes? They are soooo last season!
Mr. Blackwell would toss them without any reason!
Oh, look again, I just broke another nail.
Well, they are dry and brittle and thin as a rail!
And speaking of thin, did you read the latest news?
The things to wear now…are only size 2’s!
That would be great if that were my size.
I say as I eat my burger and fries!
I’ll just start my new diet on Monday! I say,
What’s a few more pounds and one more day!
And then I’ll be trim and fit as a fiddle!
My worries will fade along with my middle!
Then I will be happy, my problems will flee.
Everyone will adore and want to be me!
The mirror interrupted, “ no, you’ve got it all wrong.”
“You’ve had the makings of a queen all the long.”
“Your heart is good, and your spirit is sweet,
your words are kind to those you meet.”
“Physical beauty is all fine and dandy,
But in going to heaven, it won’t come in handy.”
Oh, dear mirror, I’m afraid you are right.
The time I have wasted, the day and the night!
Obsessing and worrying about looking better!
Trying to be perfect, right down to the letter!
So maybe a size 2 I never will be,
But I still can be happy just being me.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
Why aren’t I fairest of all?
I could be a beauty queen,
Make all heads turn when I enter the scene.
But what to do? And where to start?
I feel so young….and I’m falling apart!
My skin’s a mess, first oily, then dry.
I want to be young! But wrinkles don’t lie!
And look at my hair, how my roots have grown out!
What if I see a friend when I’m out and about?
And see these clothes? They are soooo last season!
Mr. Blackwell would toss them without any reason!
Oh, look again, I just broke another nail.
Well, they are dry and brittle and thin as a rail!
And speaking of thin, did you read the latest news?
The things to wear now…are only size 2’s!
That would be great if that were my size.
I say as I eat my burger and fries!
I’ll just start my new diet on Monday! I say,
What’s a few more pounds and one more day!
And then I’ll be trim and fit as a fiddle!
My worries will fade along with my middle!
Then I will be happy, my problems will flee.
Everyone will adore and want to be me!
The mirror interrupted, “ no, you’ve got it all wrong.”
“You’ve had the makings of a queen all the long.”
“Your heart is good, and your spirit is sweet,
your words are kind to those you meet.”
“Physical beauty is all fine and dandy,
But in going to heaven, it won’t come in handy.”
Oh, dear mirror, I’m afraid you are right.
The time I have wasted, the day and the night!
Obsessing and worrying about looking better!
Trying to be perfect, right down to the letter!
So maybe a size 2 I never will be,
But I still can be happy just being me.
Oh Randi! I love that poem, and you wrote it?! I am very impressed. And its so true. Even the most gorgeous people are never happy with their apperance. I love the poem, it's a great spirit booster.
cute poem! And boy do I relate right now with my big belly!! I love the new blog too! I might try the chicken fingers this week if I can part with some of my captain crunch!
Everyone loved the poem during my presentation. I read the poem to like 175 sisters. Not sisters ...(you know how PA is) ...Sisters in the gospel! heehee They loved it!
I still have this from when you wrote it, and gave it in RS. I was still in the ward! (: I love it I think I will put it on my blog too if you don't care! We need to get together soon!
Cute Randi, too bad that you are all that and more
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