Ode To Laundry
I hate my laundry mountain, it seems to never end,
I feel like when I’m close to done, is when I start again.
The sorting and the smelling, could you wear these one more day?
I swear I just put these in your drawers and once again they’ve come my way.
I really don’t have the patience to sit and fold all these clothes.
I’d much rather be productive clipping toenails from my toes.
Oh, watching T.V while I’m folding can be fun and productive you say?
But, the more I watch the less I fold and my mind gets swept away.
I should just fold like my grandma does straight from the dryer.
But my dryer is piled with this and that there’s no room…not even to perspire!
It’s just a tedious, daunting job that no one likes to do.
I think I’d like to trade job’s with my son, and just pick up puppy poo.
I don’t know why I bother folding the kids’ clothes at all.
I get them into piles and before they get to the drawers they fall.
I also lose various nick nacks and things under my mountain of guilt.
And my clothes are so very wrinkled my irioning baskets’ full to the hilt.
So I unwittingly create another unnecessary job for me.
And instead of taking one hour….it’s now going to take three.
I wish I could just hire someone to wash and fold my life’s loathing.
All I know is in the world I create? We will have disposable clothing.
I hate my laundry mountain, it seems to never end,
I feel like when I’m close to done, is when I start again.
The sorting and the smelling, could you wear these one more day?
I swear I just put these in your drawers and once again they’ve come my way.
I really don’t have the patience to sit and fold all these clothes.
I’d much rather be productive clipping toenails from my toes.
Oh, watching T.V while I’m folding can be fun and productive you say?
But, the more I watch the less I fold and my mind gets swept away.
I should just fold like my grandma does straight from the dryer.
But my dryer is piled with this and that there’s no room…not even to perspire!
It’s just a tedious, daunting job that no one likes to do.
I think I’d like to trade job’s with my son, and just pick up puppy poo.
I don’t know why I bother folding the kids’ clothes at all.
I get them into piles and before they get to the drawers they fall.
I also lose various nick nacks and things under my mountain of guilt.
And my clothes are so very wrinkled my irioning baskets’ full to the hilt.
So I unwittingly create another unnecessary job for me.
And instead of taking one hour….it’s now going to take three.
I wish I could just hire someone to wash and fold my life’s loathing.
All I know is in the world I create? We will have disposable clothing.
Hillarious! This blogging thing has become so therapeutic and terrible for me:)- I log on in the afternoons when I should be doing laundry and cleaning the bathrooms or kitchen, but this is so much more fun! ha ha!!!
So true, Randi, so true...you said how I feel exactly. I'm surprised you even have time to cook all your amazing food...I'm lucky if I can get a gourmet meal out once a week after doing laundry for 4 other people!!! Loved it!
Haha you make me laugh! But I like doing laundry! I know I am crazy! I actually like to do all house work! Cleaning wise that is!
hey randi i got a blog and an email account. i love reading your blog you are so creative my blog is jennaandmatt@blogspot.com
ps i have your b day present
Ok I'm so glad someone else feels like the laundry never ends. Carter changes clothes about 10 times a day, I think I need to put a lock on his dresser. I hate to say it but I secretly loving doing laundry, Brian will not help with the folding...he says I'm too picky!
ohh this is so true!! Laundry stinks.
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