Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Boy

My sister in law informed me the other day that from the looks of my blog, it seems as though I have deemed Annie as "the favorite" I simply informed her that Annie is with me all day long, so it's only natural that I would have more to share about her right now. I thought my "other kids" didn't mind all that much anyway. Until Bartel, saw the blog and kindly asked if he could have a piece done on him....So here is to Bartel, my oldest and my favorite boy in the world, even though he recently asked me If I "had T.V when I was little"........


Nicole said...

You have such BEAUTIFUL kids! Love and miss you so much!

Coleen said...

Wow! Bartel must not have inherited your fear of bad manners;) I really think you should come to the OC for your birthday.

The Smith's said...

Lori said the same thing about me with my kids. I agree with you that there is always much more time for pictures and much more going on worth posting about while the big ones are off to school. I have had to make more of an effort to post about Steven because I dont ever want him to feel that way.

laurdacooj said...

ok, I know I just said this in my last blog, but your son is so so RAD! How old is he? I want him to come over and entertain us! I love boys, they crack me up!


Bartel is so sweet! I love it when he comes into the dental office so I can see him!

Lisa Harris said...

Remember when we were at Urban and Bartel whispered " we have a gerbal named Poppy..but my mom told us not to tell you that." So funny..still so funny. How is your little Poppy? Still running?? I haven't for almost a week and it feels SO good! I am occupying my time with easter candy.

Torrie and the girls said...

I would just like to say that despite his trying to fool us with the tissue and the fries, we can still tell how handsome he's become!

xx said...

I love that kid. He makes me laugh with all his little love notes he gives me. Even with all his goofy faces and bucky teeth Im still arranging for he and Matix to marry, thats if he would marry a crazy woman that is.

Chelsey Howard said...

Bartell, Bartell what a boy. I love the pictures. What a sweetheart.