Monday, October 6, 2008


I guess this is how it works: My friend Rachelle tagged me and I had to post the fouth picture in my fourth photo folder and then tell about the picture and then tag others! So this picture is Annie licking the beaters after I made something yummy I guess, can't remember what, but she was a mess! But still cute.... I tag.....Andrea, Sherece, De Ann, and Coleen!


Sherece said...

Oh She's so cute! I love licking the beaters too!, But I don't get to anymore...I always let the boys do it!

Chelsey Howard said...

Cute messy face, love it! Looks like you have a chocaholic on your hands:)

Andrea said...

Yummy! We love licking the beater~ my kids always fight over it :}


Annie Banannie is so cute (with or without the food on her face). How's your belly? When do you find out if it's a boy or a girl? I'm so excited for you!