Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Drama with Annie...

Taking Coco to gymnastics....

Annie: "Mom, I go to mastics?"

Mom: "No honey, just Coco"

Annie: " Mom, this is so sad."
" I wanna play in mastics, I'm sad now."
" Now I broke my nail, it's so sad."
" I wanna play in mastics"
"This is so sad."
" I want Daddy, this is so sad"
Did I mention Annie just learned about feelings in School the previous week? Who knew she actually paid attention? I think it's safe to say that she has sadness down. She also lets me know quite frequently " I happy now" , especially after she's been sad. Like as soon as we got home from gymnastics, she stopped crying and said. you guessed it "I happy now" I don't know what changed but at least she gets out of a slump fast...She also has to do a happy face to prove she's not faking it, she smiles with her mouth wide open like she's going to eat you, and then she raises her eyebrows up and down several times...It's quite scary actually.....But, she's happy. I love this kid. I'll try to get a picture of the "happy face" I'm not doing it justice.


Sherece said...

3 yr olds are so funny! weston'e favorite word right now is "gross"... everything is gross from dinner to dessert from baby poo to my hair!

Andrea said...

that's too funny~ what a cutie.

Chelsey Howard said...

She is so cute, I wish you had a video of it:) I love Her!