Saturday, October 11, 2008


Today is just beautiful outside. I haven't said those words in relation to Arizona in a long time. I was actually a little nippy, in my house today. I made breakfast for the family, and then as I was cleaning the kitchen up, i noticed the trees swaying in the breeze, so I open my kitchen window and the most wonderful cool breeze, graced my kitchen and it made me so happy. I didn't even mind that I had to clean up a big mess. I love the fall, it's my favorite season, I just wish we had those pretty fall colors here, because that would complete my happiness today....that and new kitchen cabinets and countertops, and ovens...ok, I'm done. But I am grateful to not run the AC today, and I can't wait to use my fireplaces!!

What is your favorite season?


Andrea said...

Do you ever get to actually run your fireplace there?j/k I love the fall too. It's mostly in the 70's here everyday and we even have a little bit of color! I do love the spring too though. Isn't it amazing how a cool breeze can put you in a good mood even during a grooling task?

Anonymous said...

i love the fall too

Sherece said...

Summer. I just can't get enough of it, and we don't up here. This morning it was -7 deg C, 20 deg F. The high today was 6 deg C. That's like 40 deg F. Anyone feeling sorry for me yet??? :)

Chelsey Howard said...

Spring is the best!!! I love the smell of all the orange blossoms!!! There is nothing that can upset me in spring! P.S. I love the song on your blog:)

Kristi said...

I was freezing!! I love the spring. It is a little warmer.

Coleen said...

I love every season. Hope I get to see you sometime this season!