I know it's been forever since my last update, I'll be honest though...I have been lazy. Not with all things but for sure with my blogs..all of them. With a busy summer with 4 kids i really have to pick and choose what I want to spend time on and sadly blogging has not been a priority. But school starts tomorrow...sing "halleluliah" with me!( You know you want to) so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things and get a regular routine down complete with time for blogging..
SO our summer? Crazy...We actually did alot. From swim parties everyweek, Disney World, st.george ut, MArysvale Ut for the fourth, Flagstaff, we were quite busy. I think the kids had a good time. But even good things have to come to an end....Hooray for school! Hooray for school! Honestly I know what your thinking..."what a mean mom, I can't believe she is so ready for school to start!" Well....if the shoe fits... bring it on! Seriously they are as ready to go back as I am ready to have them go back! Besides, I'm only thinking about their education.....(right.....)
I'm thinking about all the projects I'm going to start and all the organizing I'm going to get done while their gone. It's been a real challenge trying to keep the house in order 24 /7 with 4 kids working against me...in fact I haven't been able to do it..at all really. and I'm tired too. I pick and choose what I have energy for and house cleaning has not been top O' the list.. It seems like if I work out then anything else I may get done is a perk..like a shower for instance. Or like now, I'm still in my sweaty gym clothes but darn it, I'm determined to blog today and if I get nothing else done today then thats' ok...yes, I will feed the children and make sure they are all alive and well, but that's my limit. Luckily, for me I have a sweet husband who doesn't demand perfection from me, which is a good thing or else i would have a very dissappointed husband on my hands.
So we took my sister Carly with us to Florida, it ended up being kind of a girls trip..no offense Bart, Bartel did not want to go with us. Shocking I know! who doesn't want to visit the wonderful world of Disney?? Bartel... He didn't want to fly in an airplane. "had he flown before?" you ask.. "why yes, he has." But for some reason he has developed a fear of flying. Much like his fear of bed bugs...don't get me started again. (chole sleeps on the floor now by the way) Maybe he reads to much has my encouragement of learning coming back to bite me in my not so toned rear? He also heard from a "friend" that Disney World wasn't so great...remind me to find out who this friend is and have him sent "poo in a bag" because he is a party pooper!!! Anyhow, not to be runde but we still had fun without Bartel...We left Oliver as well, but they had a great time at grandma kim possibles' house...so no worries. although, I desperately missed Oliver and wanted to munch on every baby I saw at the magic kingdom...mothers protect your children......
here are some pics I'm not sure yet what I'll put up. Probably some of everything...It's great to be back!!
ok, for some reason I can't download pics right now..so I'll try it later