Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Toys...

So usually it's Bart that is in "dying need" of a new toy. But this time, it was all me. I rarely want anything so much that I do the "pout face". And really it's more of a joke, then anything I mean I know it will work because it just so happens to be the very face that Chloe uses on her dad to get something she wants. For example, a few weeks ago we were out as a family shopping for Bart for new church clothes and Chloe somehow managed to drag Bart into "Justice for Girls" and give him the whole "daddy, I really want this..." and then the "pouty, puppy dog face, and eyes look" and I promise not 5 mins. later she walked out with a new outfitt. Dang she's good. And all Bart could say was "she did the face, and she really wanted it, and she's a good girl"...Keep justifying Bart. Well, whatever she did, it worked and I took a lesson from her and worked my charm on him too. And the thing is I knew he would get me whatever it was I wanted I just had to show him how much I wanted it by talking about it more then once. I threw in the face just for good measure.   
So Bart got me my "Mac Book" and I love it. As we speak I am typing at the kitchen table and breaking up a fight between the kids. When before at the desk computer I would be yelling that they are driving the spirit out of our I can whisper it.Because I'm right here. 
This Mac Book is so easy to use. Today I was asked by the young womens pres. to make a CD for their wacky olympics night. Now normally I would be able to get the music and then freeze trying to burn it onto a CD, because it never worked before. And like Apple worked just like that! And I had my "eye of the tiger", "Chariots of fire" and so fourth all onto one CD for her listening pleasure! I was so proud of myself.  I feel so computer savvy...And my CD is awesome too! A good cd to exercise to....If I exercised right now. Which I'm not....I don't want to talk about it. Anyhow, thanks Bart my so sweet husband, I knew you would get me what I wanted without the face and promises I don't intend to keep! What a guy! I'm so gald he's mine (along with my mac book) oh yeah, and how gullible am I? So the next day BArt says, "You know, this white Mac Book is the only laptop they allow in the temple...".Serious" I say? I automatically picture myself surfing the net at the temple...."No, not really" he says....Hardy, har,har Bart....Dang blonde hair of mine. 


Chelsey Howard said...

Oh Randi, you are a true blonde:) I totally laughed when I heard of the whole chloe and her puppy face:)

Torrie and the girls said...

Why didn't you post a pic of your patented puppy face? Some of us are still trying to perfect ours ;)

Coleen said...

Wish we could be typing on our computers together...So happy you are having fun with it.....I want to see those cupcakes. Have a great week!


Andrea said...

Ahhh! I'm so jealous, I've been wanting a notebook for so long! Happy surfing, not in the temple though!!!