Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ok, so I'm trying to figure out this whole new world of blogging, and I really want a cute home page. SO any tips on how to acheive that would be greatly appreciated. I also want to start posting some of my favorite recipes and pictures of them, and any comments from those brave souls who actually try them would be greatly appreciated! Also feel free to send recipes of your own for me to post- with your name of course, I wouldn't try to steal all the credit!!

Let those creative juices begin to flow!!


Coleen said...

I take pride in the fact that I helped pick out your wardrobe for the shoot. Too cute. Post away! Love it!

Nicole said...

I think you should keep it short! You look very good either way but I thought you looked so BEAUTIFUL at Thanksgiving! Also I got my layout from pyzam if you go to my page there is a link you can click! Right now that is the only one I have but It deletes your side stuff so save codes and anything else you don't want to lose on something else! I am so excited you are posting your recipes! I am actually going to make a blog I think that people can add their recipes too because I love cooking and I want more ideas! So I will add some to yourd if I don't think you have it! I am not as good as a cook as you but my mom is good and most are from her! Well I love you! Sorry so long!