Thursday, January 24, 2008

Meet "Lucy Van"

Our family has a new addition as of last night. This is Lucy. Lucy is a pure bred lab. I'm sure some of you are shaking your heads and asking the same questions I'm asking right now..."what the heck were they thinking?!"

I'm not sure what came over me, all I know is that she's awful cute and now we are a "real family" with a "real camping companion" with "real dog responsibilities."

The kids promised to share in the work load and to play with her.....I'll keep you posted on how that goes.


Brian said...

You are crazy! But Lucy is cute--until she poops all over your house. Sorry I just couldn't resist saying it! DeAnn

Peifer Family said...

A dog! Your crazy, but she is really cute! Scott is going to be jealous! Your blog is looking awesome! Looks like you've got it all down now! If you want to make a friends/family list, just to to the section where it asks if you want to add a page element and follow the prompts! If you need any help just call and i'll walk you thru it.

Sherece said...

wyh didn't you tell me you wanted a pure bred lab??? i have one you could have had...9 months 75lbs, potty trained...i would have even brought him to you free of charge!!! oh well, my kids and husband lover mater, but i could do without!

Coleen said...

WOW! I can't wait to meet her...She is so cute