SO just when I think life couldn't get any more dramatic,I go and one up myself. It started out as a harmless "Kids eat free night" at Denny's with my friend Alysan and her 3 children which, we do often. Bart works late, and she gives her husband and evening to do his thing. Seems harmless enough... Well Denny's was fine. A little rowdy like always but it wouldn't be Denny's without rowdy kids on eat free night. So we retire to my house where Alysan and I hang out in the "girls lounge" upstairs and I update her on the room's progress.(she loved the room by the way)Well a few minuets of unsupervised children, led to her youngest, Brooklyn, coming up the stairs to let us know there was some playing around on the phone going on down stairs. Then the phone rings. Now, my first thought was, "oh the kids have my cell phone and are calling the house phone from downstairs to be funny." Bartel does this more often then I like, so I am well aquainted with this funny business. So I answer. "Hello?" The voice on the other end then says, "Hello, this is 911 emergency, we just received a call from this number, is there an emergency?" I quickly apologize and explain that we had a little one playing on the phone and that it was an accident, and that I was again, very sorry. She is nice and actually, chuckles but then informs me that they've already dispatched an officer, and he was on his way, she said they would explain what happened but that it was up to the officer if he would still come out or not. Great. So I hang up and Alysan is green, because she knew the moment the phone rang who it was. I tell her what was told to me, and we quickly gather the fold together. Some kids we're outside, taking the dog potty, and it was dark out, some were running around screaming inside the house, and some were watching Tv. Just your normal everyday stuff. But we don't want to seem like we're totally not aware of our children. So, while I pull out the Childrens Primary song book, and begin a cheerful rendition of "we'll bring the world his truth" on the piano,so that we don't look too white trash, Alysan has all the kids on the couch, playing officer and reading then their rights about playing on the phone! Well nobody admitts to the offense, so we pull out the big guns Oh yeah, we had them spread it against the wall while Alysan explained what happens to real criminals. She then proceeded to pat them down. Well I didn't want to miss out on good cop, bad cop, I had to put my 2 cents in too. So I went in the other room and made them their numbers for a line up. We had them then hold their numbers for a mug shot.And we expain what 911 is really for. Well all of the sudden the door bell rings... Brooklyns crying with a blanket over her head, she's sure someone will be going to jail tonight. I open the door and A very intimidating officer is looking at me and 5 other little nervous faces. He begins with the usual, "How's it going? We received a call from this house ." I begin with my story, talking way too fast I'm sure, probably making me look guilty and officer "Mc Grouchy" is not too impressed. He looks at the kids and say's "you know you really shouldn't call 911 unless it's a real emergency, there is an accident around the corner and no police officer is there because we are here." NOw this whole time this officer is looking directly at Chloe, whose eyes are huge right then, because Mason said "Yeah my little sister called" Well like I said Brooklyn was hiding out so I'm sure he aasumed it was Co-co. beings that she was the only "little sister" around other then way too small to be calling 911, Annie. He says goodnight and I apologize to Mc Grouchy for the 100th time, and he leaves to go to his oh so important accident around the corner. We were a little peeved at how gruff he was. I mean they are little kids, not teenagers pulling a prank. So, we call it a night. Alysan gets home and apologizes again and says that on the way home she remembered that Brooklyn had just gone the day before on a field trip to the Firestation and learned about 911. And we think our children don't hear a word we say? Guess the firefighters need to work on emphasizing what an emergency is and when to call 911. By the way, 4 year old Brooklyn gets an "A" for being a good listener on her fieldtrip. Way to go Brooklyn!