Sunday, November 4, 2007

For yesterday's family activity, we headed out to Saguaro Lake with the Perkins Family, Jason, Tatum, Matix, and, Sawyer . The weather is weirdly warm right now. It's very odd to me that we are still acting like it's summertime here. I am just dying for some cool weather. I purposely turn down the air just so I can wear sweaters, of course I have to peel them off as soon as I head outside.

But we had a great time! Much licorice was consumed by all and the wake boarding was not too bad I must say! I'm very impressed with everyones athletic abilities, and I'm thinking I need to get on the ball (the workout ball) here to keep up! The water was a little too chilly for my liking, I think I'll stick to my summerwakeboarding trips.

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