Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lazy Bum...

SO I just took some fun pictures of myself to show you, the world just how attractive I am right now (I no longer have any pride left) but my dang picture transferrer thingy -I know there is a name for it, is all the way upstairs and I just came down from there! And I am not going back up so you'll just have to wait for my fun stories and pictures until tomorrow.. 

I can however, share an embarrassing moment I had recently...actually I will save it until next time.. I will report all is getting better here in the Van home. We had the flu this week, 2 different kids, I've been sick, we had new carpet laid in my family room and my bedroom to match the rest of the house..and it doesn't. they brought the wrong carpet, so now they are coming back next week to redo it, in the mean time my house is a bit in disarray. But nothing I can't handle right? Then next week I will go in for my appointment to see if things have progressed or not, if not, I can stop taking medicine and kinda go back to normal activities, but will still have to keep this boy in for another 2 weeks..Not sure if I can handle that one. But trooper that I am...I will give it my best shot. 
I know my kids will keep me in check, because Coco keeps freaking out if I'm not taking it easy and reminds me that "If your not careful your going to have this baby in like 2 days and it will be stuck in your pant leg".... What a dreadful thought to have a baby stuck in my pant leg or worse to not only have the baby stuck in my pant leg, but to be stuck wearing these sweats forever.. Which is another story for tomorrow...complete with pictures. Don't worry there are no stuck babies involved..Totally rated "E" for "everyone. So coco is protective but yet a couple weeks ago, when we were at my inlaws we were talking (the girls) about trying to exercise at home with kids and how it's darn near impossible when there little. And coco looked at me with the most annoyed look on her face and said "mom, you don't exercise, you just....lump."  What the heck??? I don't always just "lump" , well yes as of lately I guess I do "lump" but there was a time when I exercised and I'll get back into it I promise, I am going to be in my sisters wedding in MAY for heavens sake!! No "lumps" allowed!!!  And by the way coco, your the one always telling me "oh your buns are so cute and the chubbier they get the cuter they are!!"  Not something most people would brag about, but still I though you liked me "lumpy"?


Jamie Sue said...

Gotta love the kids being protective of their preggo mommy's. As soon as Hunter found out on Monday that I had "a baby growing in my tummy" she decided that I couldn't hold or carry her, Guyver or Sydney. And she has stuck to that ever since. It's so fun to see her be so motherly towards me, and to kiss the baby in my tummy. Funny girl!

Jake & Rachel said...

Oh my gosh, Taylor's wedding is in May?! I'm sure you'll look great Randi!! I can't wait to see these pictures tomorrow! And lumping sounds so much better than exercising to me.

Torrie and the girls said...

Kids say the darndest things.... Emma was so cute cooing at Charlotte when I was pregnant. She'd try to "see" her through my belly button, but its not so cute when Charlotte is sitting with Levi and Emma knows that and she's still cooing at my tummy! So I can understand you not wanting to be lumpy, you can do it Randi and you'll look fabulous for Taylor's wedding.

Chelsey Howard said...

LOL That is so funny that she tells you her buns are cute:) I love it:) K, I don't think you'll ever be lumpy. I can't believe you only have thirty some days left until you due date. Its coming fast:)

Coleen said...

hee..hee..You are always cute.

Anonymous said...

ok i for one love you lumpy!! Coco is so stinking funny just like her cute mommy! i miss you guys and i haven't emailed you back yet and i want to! love you guys and miss you!

Katie said...

It's taken me 8 months to finally figure out this exercise with a baby thing. I can't believe how far along you are! Yeah!!!

Andrea said...

Okay, tomorrow came and went, I'm looking forward to hearing about the embarassing moment and seeing sweat pants pictures ;) I know how it is though time gets away from you...and life sounds hectic!

The Van Fam said...

oh coco is so funny! i think its cute she is so protective!