Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our life is busy!!

So I really feel like I don't know what I"m doing yet as a mother. And funnily enough, by the looks I get from passerby's I'm pretty sure most people would agree with me. I'm rarely out shopping with all 4 kids at once. But when I am, the smiles of sympathy, and looks of disbelief when I say "yes, they all belong to me" come pouring in.  You'd think that the frazzled look on my face and the soft round body and unkept hair and clothes would give every inklination  that these are indeed my children. Obviously a nanny wouldn't show up to work so dis- shoveled and would appear a little more put together and relaxed beings that she does not take care of these children day in and day out. I look the way I do for a reason, how dare anyone try to take away my title as "crazy mother of four". I do love these little mess makers of mine. They say we are in the best times of our life. Most times I get stopped by elderly, wise people who advise me to "enjoy every minuet, because it goes by fast" I know this all too well. My children are changing before my very eyes and sometimes I'm too "frazzled" to take notice. Relax Randi, take a breather and enjoy the chaos. Someday you might long for all that drives you crazy now, and it will be too late.
This kid loves his binky. At times I think "Maggie Simpson" is in the room the way he goes to town on it
Starting to smile... (2 months old)
He looks like Papa!! (grandpa Thayer)
Wiped out from school....who sleeps like this anyway???
Playing  "The Sorting Hat" from Harry Potter...
More make believe....
 Annie Chillin' with her Brother....then she asked me to move...she couldn't see the T.V.