We have accomplished so much together, finishing grad school, getting accepted to Dental school, Being poor and having pretty much just ketchup and milk in our fridge. (no wonder we were so skinny!) Working odd jobs to earn money, managing apartments in the bay area, having 2 children. Buying our first home, buying a practice, buying a second home, Having another baby, and now another....
Bart I love you so much and appreciate your talents and the effort you put into making us a happy family. I really feel that you can do anything you put your mind to. We've had our struggles and up's and downs but I wouldn't trade you or our experiences together for anything. You make me so happy. I want to grown old with you (gracefully of course) and spend forever with you, I get so giddy just thinking about it.. I am so blessed to have you and am thankful you chose me.

I will be honest, I was a little perturbed at you Bart for taking Randi away from the dating scene as I was so close to it. I was looking forward to group dates and hanging out with her. Boy, has my mind changed! You are a fantastic husband and father and it has been great getting to know you and your sweet family better. We love you guys and hope we can be as happy. Happy Anniversary, Bart and Randi!
happy anniversary, i love you both
Happy Anniversary! That last picture cracked me up! You look so young! (Not that you look old now...) Love Ya
11 years! geez you guys are old haha just kidding! hope you had a fun anniversary! anniversaries are so fun!
Congrats Bart and Randi. I am glad that you are happy together. I am pretty sure Bart would agree with me (even if he has no idea who I am ) that he married up. I am sure you are a great mother and wife Randi.
Nicely put Randi! You guys are such a great couple and so great together! I was bummed that Randi wasn't gonna be my sisnlaw but cousin is pretty close and I've been very blessed with Rach! I just love you guys and your adorable family and wish we were closer so we could see you more.
Happy LATE Anniversary!! I hope you had a great time!! I love the old pic of you two, look at all that hair Randi!
You guys are so cute!! And sweet! I can't believe how sweet you guys are to eachother after 11yrs. Happy anniversary:)
Oh you guys are the cutest couple. Well, second I guess. You are both lucky to have each other. I am just so grateful he married you Randi. You are perfect for our family even though you probably don't think so--we need you! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the cute Christmas gifts! You are soooo sweet!
ahhhh!! Kristi
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