How lucky are we to have spent 3 fun filled days at the Magic Kingdom? Nevermind that it was a bit humid. Nevermind that we stayed in a "Super 8 Motel" , that Bartel was certain was really a "Hotel" because of the big chandelier in the lobby. Nevermind that on my first morning there, while enjoying a "Free continental breakfast" (that I'm sure I paid for in taxes), I walked in on an old man peeing in the bathroom and and had to make a quick exit back to my room and not eat because I was so embarrassed. (I'm not sure why he didn't lock the door, Bart is certain he wanted someone to walk in on him. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to "Old Age Forgetfulness"). But who cares, I was in heaven as soon as I paid my $12 parking fee. I was as giddy as they get.
If you only eat one thing in "California Adventure," it has to be one the corn dogs from "Corn Dog Castle" . You'll see why...
Bartel just finished a gigantic Corn Dog...
Look at this bad boy!!! Holy Corn dog!!! This is my sister Taylor, modeling with the corn dog...
Beautiful Grandma Kimmy and Annie...
The whole Fam Damily
A little to happy with my man Jack, it was pay back for Bart not being there (see honey, I am desireable to other men!!..ok, so he was being paid so what, I know he felt a connection with me.
We stopped by the beach with our friends the "Bryans" was lovely, we look forward to "Beach week" next week!!
I just thought this guy looked very comfortable.....that's all.

Kyle bug and Co-co Driving crazy...keep those hands on the wheel Co-co!

Kyle bug and Co-co Driving crazy...keep those hands on the wheel Co-co!
California we love you and miss you, someday we will be together again!!
Randi I had no idea you and Jack (the pirate) were involved! And you are the only person I know that would put a pic. of a random guy laying in the sand on their blog (wierdo)! Looks like you guys had fun though! And I'm with you on the whole Walt Disney making it to Heaven thing, I'm sure he will! After all he made the happiest place on earth right?
I actually laugh out loud sometimes when I read your posts Randi! You crack me up! Looks like you guys had so much fun...I haven't seen you this whole time I've been in Arizona! What the heck!
I have to give you props Randi, I was too sheepish to get my pic taken with Cap'n, Jack, I didn't think it would be quite fair since Levi was away from us on a school trip and working so hard while I was frolicking around with my boyfriend..... glad you guys had so much fun. We need to plan a fun trip together.
that looks like too much fun! My mom is taking our whole fam to Disneyland for Christmas, can't wait!!! I can't believe how big your brothers and sisters are! I still think they are my little buddies, but obviously they are growing up!
So fun!!! Yes, I admit, I love Walt too! Taylor & your mom look gorgeous as usual! And Kyle is so darling, I wish Dane was old enough for her!
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