Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So life is beyond busy here. But somehow we are muddling through. I still am as "Bon Jovi" says "Living on a Prayer". I can't believe how much harder 4 kids are compared to 3. Oliver is such a good baby but still requires so much attention, as do the other kids. But we sure are enjoying this new addition. And it's funny how quickly he has become "one of us". He just fits like a good shoe. Coco and I were discussing the other day which kid looks like which parent, and she had just this confused look on her face and  then said " Really I don't see how any of us would even look like dad,...he didn't even do anything!"......."yep, your right" ....I so am not ready for that talk.
So as you can see from the pictures I turned 30 last month. Not my most glamorous  birthday that's for sure. And the only reason I feel like I could post that picture is because I already look so different...thank heavens!! I swear I always look worse after the baby comes!! Why is that? It's crazy. As if labor isn't enough, I have to look like someone accidentally left the IV going in my arm for a week? And it's funny that my family feels the need to constantly update me on my looks. "mom, your buns and tummy are getting smaller"-Coco. Then there's Bart. " Your face is getting smaller" What is that?? "Hey coco look regular pants today"...Coco: "finally". Rude. I still have a looooong way to go. Infact just today I went walking with Annie and Oliver for the first time. Oliver was strapped in my baby bjorn while I pushed Annie...I was out of breath and had a severe side ache by the time I reached the corner..about 8 houses away...Yes I still have a very long way to go.